
用几个数字代表我的 2020:

  • 4 个工作产品推出
  • 2 次职业升级
  • 6 个业余开发的个人项目
  • 9 个自己写的或受邀参与的文章
  • 2 个跆拳道带
  • 30 本书

当然,上面的“成绩”只是我今年的一部分。我觉得在 2020 年还是经历了不少磨炼自己的事情和心绪难平的夜晚。


  • Seek truth. It’s important to question and challenge your own thinking, checking for fallacies. Ask for criticism.
  • Everything is negotiable. A “no” is really a “maybe”, and people might be impressed/change their mind if you persist. Every rule is made by people no smarter than you. You can will things into existence.
  • Investment principles always go back to 3 things: contrarianism, rationality, temperament.
  • The unreasonable effectiveness of exercise (especially running) on stress and health. Bonus when done with EDM/house music
  • Always exceed expectations. Always have “one more thing.” Always be interesting.
  • Build personal moats. Unique set of skills or knowledge. Be known for an expertise / something you built.
  • When nervous/anxious about something, think about how good you will feel after it’s done. If it’s something you have a reason for doing, be excited about it!
  • When you feel shitty about yourself, go help someone else—it will make you feel better. Don’t drown in self pity.